#2: Exploring European Competitiveness: A Fulbright Club Roundtable Discussion
Időpont: 2024-11-22 17:00:00-2024-11-22 19:00:00
Helyszín: Corvinus
Szervező: Olti Máté és Kovács György
We warmly invite everyone to the next Fulbright Club event, which will explore the theme of "European Competitiveness." During the discussion, esteemed experts will examine the challenges and opportunities facing Europe, with a special focus on Hungary’;s competitiveness.
Date: Friday, November 22, 2024, at 5:00 PM
Location: Corvinus University, University Library, Aquarium Room (The discussion will take place at Corvinus University, Pest campus, building 'C', address: 1093 Budapest, Közraktár Street 4-6, Aquarium Room of the Library on the first floor, opposite the main entrance.)
Roundtable Participants:
- Prof. Dr. Rahul Razdan: A Fulbright professor with over 35 years of experience in startups, academia, and Fortune 500 companies. His academic work has focused on STEM education, autonomous vehicle technology, and semiconductor design. He has successfully led startups (WiPower, PwrLite, Ocoos) and held leadership positions at Cadence and DEC (now HP). He holds numerous scientific awards and over 24 patents, and has led successful ventures in areas like electronic design, wireless power, AI, and machine learning.
- Prof. Dr. Randy Avent: Fulbright Schuman Scholar currently conducting research at the University of Barcelona. He is the founding president of Florida Polytechnic University and brings extensive experience in managing STEM education and research. His work investigates the relationship between competitiveness and innovation.
- Tuan Tinh: Director at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, with over 15 years of experience as a business leader and researcher in information and communication technologies across academic and corporate environments. He has taught at Corvinus University, served as a visiting professor at the University of Bern, and was a visiting researcher at institutions like Ericsson Research Budapest, British Telecom, and the University of Luxembourg. His career highlights include establishing two innovation centers: the Network Economics Group at BME and the Fintech Center at Corvinus University, both aiming to integrate education, research, and business. He is also a recipient of the Pollák-Virág Award from the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications.